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EDIT re/cut



We understand that the meat and leather industry are huge contributors to global warming however we also understand that there is still an estimated 19,000 million square foot of leather being produced globally every year. 


This being said, leather is known to be a very sustainable and durable material if cared for correctly and although being 100% recyclable, it will break down naturally at the end of its life.


We wanted to find a way to incorporate leather into our collection as many faux or PU leathers are made from polyamides which is a plastic that is highly detrimental to the environment. 


EDIT re/cut is a curated collection made from dead stock or off-cut leather that would have otherwise ended up in landfill due to very minor imperfections. We source all of our leather from UK suppliers which also means we are minimising our carbon print. 


Every month we will add a new piece to EDIT re/cut and the collection will be limited to the number of pieces available. This is due to the amount of material we may have in stock and each garment will be handmade in our London studio. You can sign up to our newsletter to be notified when stock is available. 



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